Title: Papa John's Super Hawaiian vs Papa John's Hawaiian: A Comparative Guide
In this article, we delve into the differences between two of Papa John's popular Hawaiian pizza options: Super Hawaiian and Hawaiian. Both pizzas are crowd favorites, but they do have distinct characteristics that set them apart.
1. **Crust Differences**: The Super Hawaiian comes with Papa John's signature thin crust, while the Hawaiian features the traditional hand-tossed crust. The thin crust of the Super Hawaiian offers a crispy, light base, contrasting with the softer, more traditional hand-tossed crust of the Hawaiian.
2. **Toppings**: Both pizzas are topped with juicy pineapple chunks and savory ham. However, the Super Hawaiian is unique in that it also includes Mozzarella and Cheddar cheeses, providing a more diverse cheese flavor profile. The Hawaiian pizza sticks to the traditional mozzarella cheese.
3. **Sauce**: Both pizzas use Papa John's signature marinara sauce, but the sweetness of the pineapple can potentially overpower the sauce flavor in the Super Hawaiian due to the added Cheddar cheese. The Hawaiian pizza allows the marinara sauce to shine more prominently due to the absence of Cheddar cheese.
4. **Calorie Content**: As the Super Hawaiian features more toppings and an additional cheese, it tends to have a higher calorie count compared to the Hawaiian.
5. **Personal Preference**: Ultimately, the choice between Super Hawaiian and Hawaiian comes down to personal preference. If you prefer a lighter, crispier pizza with a diverse cheese flavor, opt for the Super Hawaiian. On the other hand, if you appreciate the traditional Hawaiian pizza with a softer crust and stronger marinara flavor, the classic Hawaiian pizza might be more appealing.
In conclusion, while both Papa John's Super Hawaiian and Hawaiian pizzas offer delicious island flavors, their differences in crust, toppings, sauce, and calorie content make them unique experiences. When ordering, consider your preferences and enjoy the taste of a Hawaiian pizza with a Papa John's twist.