Q101 Amplify Merritt Features Canuck Eats in Merritt!

Thank you Merritt BC for your continued love and support! We have been working hard since we launched the service in June 2020, our mission is to unite and amplify our fragmented restaurant services in town. Our well loved model is now in 3 Canadian provinces!

Stay tuned for our newest franchise location in BC, coming soon!

Enter the contest here: https://q101.ca/amplify-photo-contest/

Amplify Merritt Canuck Eats Feature: https://q101.ca/2021/11/08/merritt-eats-merritt-eats-free-delivery-from-local-restaurants-by-canuck-eats/

Play audio from Q101 Amplify Merritt - Canuck Eats feature Audio Clip from Radio 


Our local favorite Mughal Gardens is also featured! https://q101.ca/2021/08/30/mughal-garden-restaurant/

Amplify Canada is Pattison Media’s 12-month initiative to support and highlight the local businesses, community groups, and individuals across Western Canada who have Amplified their communities, especially during COVID. Find out more here.


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